GSA issued Refresh #17 to its Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitation 47QSMD20R0001 along with an associated mass modification (mass mod) to all existing contracts in July 2023. The refresh includes:
Clarification on how Joint Venture requirements apply to current Joint Venture entities.
Implementation of the SBA / GSA 8(a) Partnership Agreement for MAS.
Clarification sustainability requirements.
Updates to the following Category / Subcategory, or SINs:
Office Supplies (A09): Revisions to OS4 SINs 339940OS4 - Office Products and Supplies & 339940OVER - Overseas Office Products and Supplies category specific attachment.
Facilities Maintenance and Repair (B01): Revisions to SIN 561210FAC - Facilities Maintenance and Management.
Hardware and Tools (E04): Revision to SIN 332510C - Hardware Store, Home Improvement Center, Industrial or General Supply Store, or Industrial Maintenance Repair and Operations (MRO) Distributor - Catalog.
Business Administration Services (H01): Add a new subgroup, Program Evaluation Services, under SIN 541611 Management and Financial Consulting, Acquisition and Grants Management Support, and Business Program and Project Management Services.
Package Delivery (K03): Revision to required Template for SINs 492110 & 492110SB Local Courier/Messenger Delivery Services.
Transportation of Things (K05): Revision to required Templates for SIN 485 - Ground Transportation and SIN 532111 - Automotive Equipment Rental and Leasing - Rental Supplemental Vehicle Program (RSVP).
Employee Relocation (L01): Revision to required Template for SIN 531 Employee Relocation.
Lodging (L02): Revision to required Template for SIN 531110 Long Term Lodging.
Slides with an overview, refresh #17 documents, and other details can be found at