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Publicly Available Federal Contracting Data in and Other Data Tools

Updated: Oct 2, 2023

⚠️When using Data Bank (canned and adhoc reports), data queries, or FPDS ez-search, not all government spend data is publicly available or made available immediately.

⏸️ DoD and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) data is delayed for 90 calendar days from public view for mission security purposes.

➡️ While most new contract awards made under competitive procedures are publicly announced on Contract Opportunities in SAM, many are not, such as task orders, delivery orders, etc. The associated detailed data for all awards (publicly announced or not) for these agencies are part of the data that is delayed from public viewing.

➡️ This means that if you are interested in, let's say, the complete data set of government-wide spend for FY2023 that includes DoD and USACE 4th quarter spend (spend through 9/30/2023) that it will not be available publicly in these tools until January 1, 2024.

⛔️ Information that may include Personally Identifiable Information (PII), compromise national security, tax expenditure data, and Economic Impact Payments is omitted from publicly available data.

The screenshot below is from USASpending's FAQs to illustrate. #data #dataanalytics

When using Government contract data from these tools, be sure to take into the lag in DoD and USACE data or omission of some data when relying on it as current and complete for a given point in time.

Links to each data tool can be found on our Resource Library page.

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